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Journal prompts for creative moms

Roya Dedeaux

Hey there, creative mamas! 🌟 Life as a mom and a creative spirit is a wild ride, isn't it? Juggling art projects, story times, and endless snacks can sometimes leave us feeling like our own passions are on the back burner. But fear not – there's a secret weapon many of us are under utilizing: journaling. Let's chat about how this simple practice can be a game-changer for both your mom game and your creative mojo.

The Creative Mama Conundrum

We get it. Being a mom is like being the ringmaster of a chaotic circus, and sometimes it feels like your creative dreams are stuck in the audience. Journaling is like your backstage pass to reclaiming center stage, allowing you to express yourself while still acing the mom act.

Scribble Your Feelings Away

Ever find yourself on the edge of mom burnout? Same here. Journaling is like a cup of tea for your soul. Pour out your thoughts, fears, and victories on paper. It's a judgment-free zone, and the act of writing is like a hug for your emotions.

Doodling Dreams and Sparking Ideas

Your journal is a judgment-free zone for your creativity too. Sketch out those wild ideas, jot down snippets of inspiration, or just doodle your heart out. The pages are your canvas, waiting for the magic only you can create.

Stress Busting 101

Mom life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Journaling is your superhero cape against stress. Pour out the overwhelm, embrace the chaos on paper, and watch as the weight lifts. It's your personal therapy session, available 24/7.

Share the Love – Online and Off

Guess what? You're not alone in this journey. Take your journaling journey online and connect with fellow creative mamas. Share the highs, the lows, and all the doodles in between. Building a community of support can make the rollercoaster of motherhood a bit more thrilling.

If you want to do this kind of work in a guided and supported way, make sure to check out the Play with Purpose Membership Group. Use the code "BecauseILikeYou" for a free month!

Dear creative mama, your story is a masterpiece in the making. Journaling is your paintbrush, your microphone, and your sanctuary. Embrace the chaos, scribble your heart out, and let your creativity soar. The pages are waiting, and so is your own magical journey from chaos to canvas. Here's to you – the artist, the mom, the superhero of your story. 💖✨

Journal Prompts

What are 3 things you can do to show support of your kids in secret?

What are 10 words that describe your child's strengths?

What are 5 ways you wish you'd been supported more as a kid?

What are 10 different benefits of your kid's favorite activity?

What are 5 games you love to play and why?

What are 3 fears you have for your kid's future?

What are 5 things you hope you will never regret?

Roya Dedeaux LMFT

Roya Dedeaux is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a focus on using creative tools like art, writing, and recreation as a way to help teens and their families who don't quite fit the mold.

Roya’s first book, Connect with Courage: practical ways to release fear and find joy in the places your kids take you is the result of her background in Recreation and Leisure Studies and Marriage and Family Therapy and is the base of her Connect with Courage Parenting Course

She loves running her private practice, creating art prompts for her
two online art groups, and running games and challenges in the free Recreate Parenting Facebook community! When she's not doing that, she loves to make messes with her three wild & wonderful kids where they live and play hard in Southern California.

Connect With Courage

By Roya Dedeaux 09 Mar, 2024
“I think it’s harder to be a teenager today than it was when we were younger.”
By Roya Dedeaux 15 Jan, 2024
A Parent Wrote... "My 6 year old son tries to turn consequences into pity parties for himself and I’m so torn on what to do. He’s an only child, but very close with his (younger) cousins. They’re at our home a lot, they’re more like siblings. They typically play together quite well, but… My son has always had a hard time keeping his hands to himself, sometimes really bad stuff like punching, hair pulling or pinching. When he gets physical with one of his cousins (usually play related disputes) we take the cousin away from the game and say “we won’t let you hurt your cousin”. He then proceeds to get really upset, cry, scream, etc.. and then immediately goes into “I need a hug! I need a hug!”. Now, I understand that he’s upset and is looking for help regulating, but I’m soothing/caring for the “hurt” friend at that point. His consequence is that we have left the game/his general area because he couldn’t keep his hands to himself, and he now wants me to comfort/snuggle him through his consequence (defeating the consequence all together). While a big part of me wants to sit with him and comfort him, it really feels like manipulation, too. It feels like he doesn’t want to be in trouble and that he wants to make the situation all about him. I feel like he shouldn’t get to hurt someone and then get a hug. Any thoughts?" In this podcast episode, I break down the divisive language this parent is using to talk about her son - and discuss what they can do differently for less hitting and kicking! Welcome to Season 2 episode 3 of the Recreate Parenting Podcast. Six year old manipulating mama?
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